Makers Again Receive the British Safety Council International Safety Award 2016
Makers Construction is pleased to announce that they have been awarded the British Safety Council International Award 2016 for demonstrating a strong commitment to a good Health and Safety Management during 2015.
Out of the 444 winning organisations from across the globe, Makers Construction Limited has again for the 5th year running won this prestigious award showing that Makers are fully committed to Health and Safety, this award is an assessment of Makers Construction as a whole taking into consideration the 74 projects that Makers have completed over the year and the 168,832 man hours worked.
Now in their 58th year, the International Safety Awards recognise and celebrate organisations from around the world that have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the scheme’s judges their commitment to preventing workplace injuries and work-related ill health during the previous calendar year. These awards identify the achievements of all its members who have contributed to the success and delivery of a safe working environment and have sensible and proportionate risk management in preventing ill health and injuries in the workplace.
“The awards are in recognition of the commitment and effort to keep employees and workplaces free of injury and ill health. Our warmest congratulations to everyone involved.”
Sean Allsop, H&S Manager