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BT Pendleton ATE Structural Refurbishment

BT Pendleton ATE Structural Refurbishment

BT Pendleton ATE Structural Refurbishment

BT Pendleton ATE Structural RefurbishmentBT Pendleton, also known as the BT exchange building in Pendleton, Salford Greater Manchester, was constructed in the 1960’s. The exact year of construction is not commonly cited, but the building is known for its brutalist architectural style, which was prominent during this era. The structure would be served as a major telecommunications hub for British telecommunications (BT)

The structure was suffering from spalling concrete due to corrosion, which also affected window frames.  Makers were tasked with carrying out an external refurbishment of the building including cleaning of all concrete faces, concrete repairs, application of a corrosion inhibitor, application of a fairing coat followed by an anti-carbonation coat. Following on from a refurbishment survey it was highlighted that the existing window panels and mastic around the windows contained asbestos this was removed and replaced during the project.

Read how the full structural refurbishment was carried out…

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BT Pendleton ATE Structural Refurbishment Case Study

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